
Showing posts from 2017

Kotlin - Big word for android developers

Hello  I am back with one another new concept for android developers Technologies & languages are getting updated with time... & here is one another "Kotlin language" What is "Kotlin"? Kotlin is a " Statically typed programming language  for modern multi-platform applications". Best thing is kotlin is 100% inter operable with Java and Android. What does it look like? Concise, simple and very easy to read (and write) package hello //Optional package header //Package-level function, which takes an Array of strings as a parameter fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello World!") //Have you noticed? Semicolons are optional } Why use Kotlin for Android Development? 1. Concise : Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code. Examples : Create a POJO with getters, setters, equals(), hashCode(), toString() and copy() in a single line: data class Customer ( val name : String , val e...

Android Layout Finder - Open Source Tool

Hello, If you are android developer, you are familiar with findViewById() & findFragmentById() . Sometimes you will have so many views in your xml & you require almost all views in Java & do findViewById for each of views, which is very tedious task. for e.g. You have 20 views in xml & you need to declare 20 variables & findViews for all 20 .. Isn't it very tedious to write all same lines again and again? Your answer will surely be YES. Don't worry because we have one open source tool In which we just need to pass our xml file & tool will generate all views declaration & initialise for you, Isn't it quite exciting.. let's give one try. Android Layout Finder ! "Android Layout Finder" is open-source and licensed under the GNU (General Public Licence). If you want some change for your use & also if it can help others then, the source code can be found on GitHub. Check this out.

App Store optimization (ASO) - Android & IOS

Before launching an app..........  You have to be prepared with a groundbreaking app marketing strategy. Optimizing the title of the app, adding a description and other features that can best control the app are a few things to be conceived even before the app hits stores.  The success of apps across app stores is largely determined by SEO. But,  ASO (App Store Optimization)  is the new idea. With careful and planned measures, you can also take your app to new heights using these ASO strategies. A little bit of trial and error can help you catapult past your rivals in the app store and you can find your app on the top of charts. Let's see how it works: 1. Understand Your Target Audience and Competition Before launching an app, you have to study the market and your targeted customer base. A perfect ASO strategy always emphasizes on understanding how customers would use the app as well as the deeper view of competitive landscape. Here are a...